Convenient, multicomponent, one-pot synthesis of highly substituted pyridines under solvent-free conditions
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپشده
Multicomponent reaction, one-pot reaction, pyridine derivatives, solvent-free condition
Highly substituted pyridine derivatives have been accessed through an efficient, one-pot, multicomponent reaction of aldehydes, malononitrile, and ammonium acetate in the presence of triethylamine as a catalyst under solvent-free conditions. This procedure affords the desired products in high purity and has advantages such as short reaction time, excellent yields, and simple workup procedure. This procedure affords the desired products in moderate to high yields and has such advantages as short reaction time and simple workup procedure.
محمد علی بداغی فرد (نفر سوم)، اکبر مبینی خالدی (نفر اول)، سجاد اسدبگی (نفر دوم)