Iran is an important center of origin for Allium genius so that more than 80 species are reported from this country, which are valuable for food and pharmaceutical applications. Unfortunately, some of these species are endangered due to overgrazing by animals, drought and other environmental perturbations, overharvesting, etc. Assessment of distribution pattern and conservation status of important species is widely used in their conservation planning. In this study, the distribution pattern and conservation status of valuable species namely Allium akaka S.G.Gmel. ex Schult. & Schult.f., A. amploprasum L., A. jesdianum Boiss. & Buhse, A. longiscapus Regel., A. stipitatum Regel., were determined and their conservation value was specified using GIS and GeoCat software based on the IUCN classification system,. Also, conservation plans was proposed by overlapping the current range of these species with protected areas. Results shown that among the studied species, A.amploprasum had the maximum range and A. longiscapus had the lowest range (Fig 1). In terms of conservation status, A.longiscapus is in critical condition and other species are in the least concern situation. Also, this species had the highest conservation value (1.98) compared the others (Table 1). As presented in Fig. 1 species A.amploprasum, A.stipitatum, A. jesdianum, Alliumakakaand A.longiscapus had 6, 5, 5, 4 and 3 populations in protected area, respectively. According to the results of this study, it could be proposed that A. longiscapus protected Ex-situ and other species should be given more attention in protected areas and some new protected areas be introduce to them.