مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Deployment of Wireless ...
عنوان Deployment of Wireless Intrusion Detection Systems to Provide the Most Possible Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks Without Infrastructures
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Wireless sensor networks without infrastructures, Intrusion detection system, Localization, Coverage and installation limitation
چکیده The optimum deployment of sensors to provide the highest rate of environmental coverage in wireless sensor networks is one of the most important challenges in these types of networks. Apart from the analysis of data, the impact of an intrusion detection system on the performance of system is in a direct relation with the amount of collected data by sensors. Thus, proper deployment of the data collection sensors in intrusion detection systems is quite an important issue. In this article, we consider the subject of optimizing the coverage for wireless sensor networks without infrastructures by using wireless intrusion detection sensors. Due to the efficiency of wireless networks without infrastructures in inner and outer environments, both of these environments are considered in the simulations. Moreover, some of effective parameters in installation the sensors, such as existence of connecting chains between the sensors for transferring collected data, preferred areas for coverage, along with negative effects in distribution of wireless waves like environmental obstacles, the signal strength after weakening and the minimum receiving potentials in the original receiver are considered in simulations. In such situations, a real-world environment and actual conditions are provided in covering and deployment of the sensors. Simulations are done by MATLAB and the covering rates are given both numerically and graphically as the outcomes of each experiment. The results indicate the proper deployment of the sensors and obtaining the most rates in environmental covering by the sensors with regards to the applied limitations.
پژوهشگران حسین غفاریان (نفر سوم)، امین نیک انجام (نفر دوم)، علی کرامتپور (نفر اول)