مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Nanoscience and Plant-Soil ...
عنوان Nanoscience and Plant-Soil Systems: Part II (Nanomaterials in Soil Environment), Chapter 10, "The Role of Nanomaterials in Water Desalination: Nanocomposite Electrodialysis Ion-Exchange Membranes"
نوع پژوهش کتاب
کلیدواژه‌ها فایل کتاب به پیوست می باشد
چکیده Nowadays, utilizing nanomaterials into polymeric membranes is being studied in many applications to make better the physicochemical behaviors of membrane in serious conditions and to improve the separation efficiency of them. The unique attributes of nanocomposite ion-exchange membranes in water desalination may be a vital step to overcome the challenges in making clean water around the world. This study will focus on novel nanocomposite ion-exchange membranes for the application in electrodialysis process related to water recovery, treatment, and desalination. In particular, heterogeneous ion-exchange membrane is investigated. The role of incorporating nanomaterials into the matrix of ion-exchange membrane on their physical and electrochemical characteristics in water desalination is discussed.
پژوهشگران سید سیاوش مدائنی (نفر دوم)، سیدمحسن حسینی (نفر اول)