A Chemoselective Oxidation of Sulfides to Sulfoxides and Sulfones Using Urea-2,2-dihydroperoxypropane as a Novel Oxidant
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپشده
Chemoselective oxidation, Sulfides, Sulfoxides, Sulfones, Urea-2,2-dihydroperoxypropane.
Sulfoxides and sulfones have been in the center of attention due to their wide range of promises in various approaches. The functional groups presented in these compounds serve as important building blocks in numerous natural, pharmeceutical and agricultural compounds. These de- riatives have been prepared through a multitude of routes which were accompanied by several dra- wbacks. Therefore, there has been an ever-increasing interest to find a new methodology that leads to the production of these compounds via an environmentally benign path bringing about high yields. Re- cently, gem-dihydroperoxides have attracted much attention due to their oxidizing power and they have been utilized in several oxidation processes.
کاوه خسروی (نفر اول)، عاطفه عسگری (نفر سوم)، شیرین ناصری فر (نفر دوم)