Atomic force microscopy study, kinetic roughening and multifractalanalysis of electrodeposited silver films
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپشده
Surface roughness, Atomic force microscopy (AFM), Electrodeposition, Anomalous scaling, Multifractal analysis, Ag film
tWe used atomic force microscopy (AFM) to study surface morphology and kinetic roughening of Ag films.X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique is used to verify the films crystalline structure. The influence of filmthickness on the kinetic roughening was investigated using AFM data and roughness calculation. It isrevealed that the surface roughness increases with increasing the film thickness. The data also consistwith a complex behavior which is called as anomalous scaling. Scaling laws analysis for Ag films presentstwo distinct dynamics including large local and scale roughness and indicates a power law dependencyon the thickness of film.AFM images have been characterized by the multifractal analysis. This analysis shows that the self-similar and multifractal characteristics as well as anomalous scaling exist in the Ag film morphologies.Description of the quantitative growth and surface morphology was done by the multifractal spectra,f(˛)− ˛. It is found that the multifractal spectrum shape is left hook-like (that is difference of heightinterval of the multifractal spectrum, f = f (˛min) −f (˛max) > 0). The results indicate that the surfaceshaving greater roughness give rise the wider multifractal spectrum width(˛)and the greater f, thus,the nonuniformity of the height probabilities becomes larger. It indicates that the multifractality of thefilms becomes more pronounced at the higher thickness
مهران قلی پور شهرکی (نفر دوم)، غلامرضا نبیونی (نفر سوم)، مریم ناصح نژاد (نفر اول)