مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Sensitivity Analysis of ...
عنوان Sensitivity Analysis of Coulomb and HK Friction Models in 2D AFM-Based Nano-Manipulation: Sobol Method
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Atomic Force Microscope, Coulomb friction model, HK friction model, Nano-manipulation, Sensitivity analysis, Sobol method
چکیده Nanotechnology involves the ability to see and control individual atoms and molecules which are about 100 nanometer or smaller. One of the major tools used in this field is atomic force microscopy which uses a wealth of techniques to measure the topography and investigates the surface forces in nanoscale. Friction force is the representation of the surface interaction between two surfaces and surface topology. In order to have more precise nano-manipulation, friction models must be developed. In this study a sensitivity analysis has been conducted for nano-manipulation of nanoparticles toward dimensional and environmental parameters based on Coulomb and Hurtado and Kim (HK) friction models using Sobol method. Previously graphical sensitivity analysis has been used for this target in which the percentage of importance of parameters is not taken into account. But in Sobol method as a statistical model this problem is solved. Results show that cantilever thickness is the most effective dimensional parameter on critical force value while cantilever length and width are of less importance. Environmental parameters such as cantilever elasticity modulus, substrate velocity and adhesion, respectively, take next orders.
پژوهشگران معین طاهری (نفر دوم)، محرم حبیب نژاد کورایم (نفر اول)، زهرا رستگار (نفر چهارم)، امین حبیب نژاد کورایم (نفر سوم)