2024 : 10 : 18
Mousa Ahmadian

Mousa Ahmadian

Academic rank: Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9608-8737
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 37053495200
Faculty: Literature and Languages
Address: Arak University
Phone: 086-33135111


A Comparative Study of Using Intertexuality Elements in Woolf's To The Lighthouse, and its two Persian Translations by Saleh Hoseini and Khojaste Keyhan, with Implications for TEFL
Intertextuality, Translation, Allusion, Indicator, Quotation, Adaptation, , Ahmadian’s (2012;2013) model
Researchers Mousa Ahmadian(PrimaryAdvisor)، Houshang Yazdani ghareaghaj(Advisor)، Majid Amerian(Advisor)، Maryam Tavana(Student)


The present study was intended to compare the use of intertextuality elements in Woolf’s (2004) To the Lighthouse and two Persian translations of this novel by Hosseini (2016) and Keyhan (2007) based on Ahmadian’s (2012;2013) model. Another aspect of this study was to find out how much the target text and either of the two translations are similar in using intertextual elements and whether the two translations are similar to each other or not. To find out whether there are any differences between the original text and the two Persian translations, the whole text of them were studied and analyzed separately based on Ahmadian’s (2012;2013) model. The result of the study revealed that elements of allusion and indicator were used more frequently than the other kind of elements. The results of Chi-Square Test showed that there were significant differences between the original Text and its two Persian translations and significant differences between the two translations in general. Generally, it could be concluded that the two translators have translated some expressions as intertextual elements and attend to the clarification of that expression as an intertextual element, it means that they gave some description that shows that the expression or word is an intertextuality element and it shows that the translators are conscious and have some background knowledge about that expression or word as an intertextual element. Nevertheless, in some cases the two translators did not point to some words and expressions as an intertextual element. To compare Hosseini and Keyhan, Hosseini translated and explained intertextual elements more than Keyhan. The findings of this study might have some implications, in translation courses, reading and comprehension courses, especially reading and comprehension literature regarding the improvement of language development skills, and finally it may be insightful in the translation studies.