2024 : 10 : 18
Mousa Ahmadian

Mousa Ahmadian

Academic rank: Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9608-8737
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 37053495200
Faculty: Literature and Languages
Address: Arak University
Phone: 086-33135111


A critical discourse analysis of The Tehran Times and The Los Angeles Times on the representation of Iran’s 5+1 negotiations and pedagogical implications
CDA, discursive strategies, ideology, van Dik’s (2000) framework, Iran’s 5+1 negotiation
Researchers Mousa Ahmadian(PrimaryAdvisor)، Hamid Reza Dowlatabadi(Advisor)، Fatemeh Saduqi(Student)


Mass media in general and news media in particular , such as newspapers as the most powerful means of communication can report and modify an event or a problem in line with dominant ideas and perspectives of news writers. Accordingly, news is not a neutralphenomenon reflecting facts of real life;rather, it is cunningly ideological and biased tool ( Caldas-Coulthard, 2003). In this regard, CDA can be used as a study aims to examine discursive strategies employed in ten news reports of an Iranian newspaper- The Tehran Times- and an American newspaper- The Los Angeles Times- on the representation of Iran’s 5+1 negotiations. To this end, Van Dijk’s (2000) framework was adopted to analyze the corpus of news reports during a time span of forty days from June 5th to July 14th in 2015. In order to facilitate the analysis of data, the researchers focused on five similar subjects which are covered in the two newspapers. The results of the study showed that the two newspapers represent the same issue, namelyIran’s 5+ 1 negotiations, differently to their readers. The results indicated that the dominant macro-strategies in the two newspapers are positive self-presentation and negative other-presentation which are identified byother discursive strategies such as lexicalization and repetition as the most frequent ones used in the news reports. While the Tehran Times emphasized positive deeds of nuclear negotiators in the rounds of talks through the employment of positive self-representation macro-strategy, the Los Angeles Times focuses on negative attributes of talks. Therefore, media represents the events according to their own ideological viewpoints of news writers. Some possible implications of the study have been also discussed.