The quantum-recoil effect on Thomson scattering is investigated in degenerate quantum plasmas. The Thomson scattering cross-section in degenerate quantum plasmas is obtained by the fluctuation-dissipation relation and plasma dielectric function as a function of the plasmon energy, Fermi energy, wave number, and scattering angle. It is shown that the influence of the quantum recoil suppresses the Salpeter structure factor in degenerate quantum plasmas. It is also shown that the structure factor and the differential Thomson scattering cross-section decrease with an increase of the Fermi energy. In addition, it is found that the influence of the Fermi energy on the differential Thomson scattering cross-section is important in the backward scattering regions. Moreover, the total Thomson scattering cross-section has been shown to increase as the scaled plasmon energy increases in degenerate quantum plasmas.