The present study focuses on the harris hawks optimizer. harris hawks optimization (HHO) is introduced based on population and nature patterns. The HHO algorithm imitates harris hawks attacking behavior and includes two phases called exploration and exploitation, which can be modeled with three strategies, 1) discovering the prey, 2) surprising attack, and 3) prey attack. The main purpose of using this type of algorithm is to optimally solve the short-term hydro-thermal self-scheduling (STHTSS) problem with wind power(WP), photovoltaic (PV), small hydro (SH) and pumped hydro storage (PHS) powr plants while considering uncertainties such as energy prices, ancillary services prices, etc, in the energy market. It will be shown how energy generation companies can use this algorithm and other algorithms and innovative methods that will be introduced in the future to achieve profit maximum with careful scheduling. It is worth mentioning that in this study, the effect of the presence and absence of two important factors, namely valve load cost (VLC) effect and prohibited operating zones (POZs) (with linear modeling) that can affect the profit of units (power plants) has been pointed out. Finally, as shown in this study, several tests perfomed on the IEEE118-bus system validate the precision and credibility of the harris hawks optimization algorithm