2024 : 10 : 24
Hossein Sadeghi

Hossein Sadeghi

Academic rank: Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8772-951X
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 8346441700
Faculty: Science
Address: Arak University


Four-Body Calculation of 12C(α, γ)16O Radiative Capture Reaction at Stellar Energies
Four-Body,Radiative Capture, Stellar Energies
Journal Physics of Atomic Nuclei
Researchers Hossein Sadeghi


On the basis of the four-alpha model, the 12C(α, γ)16O radiative capture process is investigated by using the four-body Faddeev–Yakubovsky equations as well as the two- and three-body electromagnetic currents. The present calculation is an application of our current conservation realistic potentials method for the 12C(α, γ)16O radiative capture process. This work clears the way for more refined models of radiative capture based on two- and three-body realistic potentials and current conservation. The calculation is carried out by considering the 4He + 12C (1 + 3) and the 8Be + 8Be (2 + 2) subamplitudes, respectively. Radiative capture 12C(α, γ)16O reaction is one of the most important reactions in nuclear astrophysics. For this reaction, the electric dipole transitions between states with the same isospin are forbidden in the first order. Because the state 1+ and 0+ ground state nuclei 16O have zero isospin, thus the electric dipole radiations are not at the first order between two levels and electric dipole radiation will be the second order and electric dipole radiation is the same order as the electric quadrupole radiation. Therefore, we must consider the effects of both radiations. In comparison with other theoretical methods and available experimental data, good agreement is achieved for the E1 and E2 contribution to the cross section and the astrophysical S factor for this process.