2025 : 2 : 10
Hasan Khalaji

Hasan Khalaji

Academic rank: Associate Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0323-270X
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 26654189600
Faculty: Sport Sciences
Address: Arak University


The Effect of Ginseng Supplement Ingestion and Endurance Exercises on Aerobic Power, Body Composition, Blood Lipids and Mood State
ثبت نشده‌است!
Researchers Maryam Moradi ، Khosro Ebrahim ، Hasan Khalaji ، Ezatolallah Shah Mansoori


The present research is aimed at investigating the effects of ginseng supplement ingestion and endurance exercises on aerobic power, body composition, Blood Lipids and the mood state of inactive males. 30 men (age: 41±5 years, height: 171±7 cm, body mass: 76±8 kg) have been cho sen voluntarily and divided randomly into two groups of experimental (GIN) and control (PLA). The participants took treadmill exercises with %70 of heart rate reserve for 3 days per week for a period of 8 weeks. The participants received daily 200 milligrams of the supplement or a placebo according to the group they belonged. The t ests of aerobic power (Bruce Protocol), body composition (measurement of the %FT and lean body mass),and blood sampling were performed to measure the amount of blood lipids, and the mood state through the profile of mood state (POMS) before and after the intervention. In order to analyse the findings, descriptive statistics were used to obtain mean and variance, and inferential st atistics to determine the differences within and between the groups. Ginseng supplement ingestion improved the aerobic power and the duration of performance and it was signific ant when compared to the control group. Body composition of both groups was satisfactory than before the experi ment; however, no significant difference was observed between the groups. The amount of cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL and HDL in plasma also showed no significant difference. Vigour (a mood state) was significantly increased a fter ginseng supplement ingestion, yet the other states were not affected. it is concluded from the findings the ingestion of ginseng supplement along with endurance exercises improves the aerobic power and the duration of perf ormance, and affects some mood states.