2025 : 3 : 16
Ali Reihanian

Ali Reihanian

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6668-3535
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 57188693204
Faculty: Engineering
Address: Arak University
Phone: 086-32625436


An enhanced multi-objective biogeography-based optimization for overlapping community detection in social networks with node attributes
Overlapping community detection, Node attributes, Topological structure, Biogeography-based optimization, Multi-objective optimization
Researchers Ali Reihanian ، Mohammad-Reza Feizi-Derakhshi ، Hadi S Aghdasi


Community detection is one of the most important and interesting issues in social network analysis. Most of the current community detection algorithms tend to find communities in social networks with just considering the topological structures of the networks. In recent years, simultaneously considering of nodes’ attributes and topological structures of social networks in the process of community detection has attracted the attentions of many scholars, and this consideration has been recently used in some community detection methods to increase their efficiencies and to enhance their performances in finding meaningful and relevant communities. But the problem is that most of these methods tend to find non-overlapping communities, while many real-world networks include communities that often overlap to some extent. In order to solve this problem, an evolutionary algorithm called MOBBO-OCD, which is based on multi-objective biogeography-based optimization (BBO), is proposed in this paper to automatically find overlapping communities in a social network with node attributes with synchronously considering the density of connections and the similarity of nodes’ attributes in the network. In MOBBO-OCD, an extended locus-based adjacency representation called OLAR is introduced to encode and decode overlapping communities. Based on OLAR, a rank-based migration operator along with a novel two-phase mutation strategy and a new double-point crossover are used in the evolution process of MOBBO-OCD to effectively lead the population into the evolution path. In order to assess the performance of MOBBO-OCD, a new metric called alpha_SAEM is proposed in this paper, which is able to evaluate the goodness of both overlapping and nonoverlapping partitions with considering the two aspects of node attributes and linkage structure. Quantitative evaluations, based on three extensive experiments on 14 real-life data sets with diverse characteristics, reveal that MOBBO-OCD achieves favorabl