2024 : 9 : 8
Vahid Rafeh

Vahid Rafeh

Academic rank: Associate Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2486-7384
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 14054926800
Faculty: Engineering
Address: Arak University


Using data mining techniques to generate test cases from graph transformation systems specifications
Software testing · Model-based testing · Test case generation · Model checking · Data mining algorithms · Graph transformation systems
Journal Automated Software Engineering
Researchers Maryam Askari ، Vahid Rafeh


Software testing plays a crucial role in enhancing software quality. A signifcant portion of the time and cost in software development is dedicated to testing. Automation, particularly in generating test cases, can greatly reduce the cost. Model-based testing aims at generating automatically test cases from models. Several model based approaches use model checking tools to automate test case generation. However, this technique faces challenges such as state space explosion and duplication of test cases. This paper introduces a novel solution based on data mining algorithms for systems specifed using graph transformation systems. To overcome the aforementioned challenges, the proposed method wisely explores only a portion of the state space based on test objectives. The proposed method is implemented using the GROOVE tool set for model-checking graph transformation systems specifcations. Empirical results on widely used case studies in service-oriented architecture as well as a comparison with related state-of-the-art techniques demonstrate the efciency and superiority of the proposed approach in terms of coverage and test suite size