2024 : 9 : 8

Reza Shahhoseini

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3007-4794
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 37102658400
Faculty: Agriculture and Environment
Address: Arak University


Efects of zinc oxide nanoelicitors on yield, secondary metabolites, zinc and iron absorption of Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium (L.) Schultz Bip.)
Feverfew, Yield, Essential oil, Parthenolide, Zn, Fe
Journal Acta Physiologiae Plantarum
Researchers Reza Shahhoseini ، Majid Azizi ، Javad Asili ، Nasrin Moshtaghi ، Leila Samiei


anoelicitors are biological and non-biological factors that can afect the synthesis of secondary metabolites in medicinal plants. Feverfew is a valuable medicinal plant containing efective and important anti-cancer compounds (essential oil and parthenolide). This study was conducted to investigate the efects of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) on yield, metabolites content, and zinc and iron absorption of Feverfew. After seed preparation, seedling production, soil physicochemical properties analysis, ZnONPs treatments, maintenance and harvesting at full fowering stage, morphological traits and yield components were measured. The essential oil was extracted by Clevenger and parthenolide was identifed by UPLC-MRMMS. The content of Zn and Fe were measured by OES-ICP. The efects of ZnONPs were signifcant on all morpho-phytochemical traits. An increased biological yield (dry weight) was observed at 2000 ppm ZnONPs (32.54 g/day) compared to control (28.09 g/day). The highest (0.9% V/W) and lowest (0.56% V/W) content of essential oil were related to 1000 ppm ZnONPs and control. The content of parthenolide decreased at diferent levels of ZnONPs. The lowest (36.83 mg/kg DW) and highest (266.02 mg/kg DW) rates of Zn absorption were observed in control and 2000 ppm ZnONPs. Nanoparticles at all concentrations increased the biological yield, essential oil content, and Zn absorption. None of the ZnONPs concentrations improved the fower yield. Along with increasing ZnONPs and Zn uptake, parthenolide levels decreased. Also, it was determined that there was an antagonistic efect between Zn and Fe absorption.