2025 : 3 : 14
Mohammad Hossein Moradi

Mohammad Hossein Moradi

Academic rank: Associate Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5877-0866
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 7004477102
Faculty: Agriculture and Environment
Address: Arak University


Effects of different rumen undegradable to rumen degradable protein ratios on performance, ruminal fermentation, urinary purine derivatives, and carcass characteristics of growing lambs fed a high wheat straw-based diets
Growing lambs, Undegradable protein, Low-quality forage, Nitrogen efficiency, Carcass quality.
Journal Small Ruminant Research
Researchers Ali Valizadeh ، Mehdi Kazemi bonchenari ، Mahdi Khodaei Motlagh ، Mohammad Hossein Moradi ، Abdoulfattah Salem


The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of various rumen undegradable to rumen degradable protein ratios (RUP:RDP) on the performance, rumen fermentation pattern, urinary purine derivatives, and carcass characteristics in growing lambs when received a high dietary wheat straw level (420 g/kg, DM basis). Lambs (average initial live weight = 27.2 ± 2.4 kg) were individual housed (n = 18, 6 animals/treatment) to evaluate the effects of treatments. The RUP:RDP ratios tested were obtained through replacing extruded soybean meal (ESBM; RUP = 64%, based on total CP) instead of conventional soybean meal (CSBM; RUP = 26%, based on total CP) in proportion of 0, 50, and 100% in order to obtain ratios of (1) low RUP:RDP ratio as LR diet (25:75); (2) moderate RUP:RDP ratio as MR diet (30:70) (3) high RUP:RDP ratio as HR diet (35:65). The study lasted 10 weeks. Results show that dry matter intake did not differ among experimental treatments (P = 0.80). However, average daily gain (ADG) and final BW were linearly improved as RUP:RDP ratios was increased (P < 0.05). Accordingly, the lowest feed efficiency observed in LR lambs and it was reduced linearly when RUP:RDP ratio was increased (P = 0.01). Although the amount of nitrogen intake was constant across experimental treatments (P = 0.69); however, the nitrogen to gain conversion ratio was increased as RUP:RDP being increased (P = 0.02). Digestibility of organic matter (P = 0.02) and crude protein (P = 0.03) as well as ruminal concentration of acetate (P = 0.05), urinary concentration of allantoin (P = 0.01), and blood glucose and insulin concentrations (P = 0.01) were linearly increased when lambs received diets contained high RUP:RDP ratio. In contrast, ruminal propionate concentration (P = 0.02) and urinary nitrogen concentration (P = 0.02) were reduced as RUP:RDP being increased. The dressing percentage was increased (P = 0.02) but mesenteric fat content (P = 0.03) and back-fat thickness (P = 0.01) were reduced when di