2025 : 2 : 6
Masoud Keshavarz

Masoud Keshavarz

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6585-2752
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Literature and Languages
Address: Arak University


Aspects of Feminine Writing in Susan Abulhawa's Mornings in Jenin based on Helen Cixous' Theory
Feminine writing, Resilience, Identity formation, Physical aspect, sexual aspect, emotional aspect.
Researchers Masoud Keshavarz(PrimaryAdvisor)، Mohammad Ghaffary(Advisor)، Mohammed Talib Khazaal Alkhafi(Student)


This research examines the aspects of feminine writing in the novel Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa, drawing insights from the works of Helen Cixous. It explores the physical, emotional, and sexual dimensions of the feminine experience depicted in the novel. Through the lens of Helen Cixous's theories, the research analyzes how the female characters in the novel navigate their bodies, emotions, and sexualities within a complex socio-political context. It highlights the ways in which these aspects of feminine writing contribute to the portrayal of resilience, resistance, and identity formation. By examining the physicality of the female body, the emotional landscapes of the characters, and the exploration of female desire, this thesis sheds light on the multi-faceted nature of feminine writing in Mornings in Jenin and its significance in portraying the lived experiences of women in challenging circumstances. This research contributes to the literary discourse by bridging the gap between feminist theory and literary analysis, providing a nuanced exploration of the intersections between feminine writing and the lived experiences of women in challenging circumstances. By connecting Cixous's theoretical insights with Abulhawa's narrative, this study offers a comprehensive understanding of how feminine writing serves as a powerful lens through which to examine the multi-layered dimensions of womanhood. Ultimately, it highlights the enduring relevance of feminine writing in capturing the intricate textures of women's lives and voices in literature.