2025 : 1 : 13
Khosro Khandani
Academic rank:
Associate Professor
Arak University
k-khandani [at] araku.ac.ir
Research activities
Research interests
Executive activities
PhD. in Electrical Engineering-Control , Tarbiat Modares University , Iran
(2012 - 2016)
Thesis title: Robust sliding mode controller design for fractional stochastic systems
MSc. in Electrical Engineering-Control , Iran University of Science and Technology , Iran
(2007 - 2010)
Thesis title: Disturbance rejection 2-DOF fractional order controller design for time-delay systems
Bachelor Of Science
Linear Control
Automatic Control
Signals and Systems
Master Of Science
Neural Networks
Modern Control
Fuzzy Control
Digital Control
Cooperative Control of Mult-agent Systems
Research activities
Journal Papers
Fuzzy Distributed Containment Tracking of Multi-Agent Systems with Uncertain Granular Fuzzy Linear Dynamics
Nasrin Eisaabadi, Khosro Khandani, Razieh Abdollahipour (2024)
Necessary and sufficient conditions for crisp state-feedback design for fuzzy linear systems
Razieh Abdollahipour, Nasrin Eisaabadi, Khosro Khandani (2023)
Robust H∞ sliding mode control scheme for uncertain fractional stochastic systems: Nonlinear analysis and design
Majid Parvizian, Khosro Khandani (2023)
Consensus of Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems under Granular Differentiability Concept
Razieh Abdollahipour, Khosro Khandani, Ali Akbar Jalali (2023)
Fixed-time sliding-mode distributed consensus and formation control of disturbed fractional-order multi-agent systems
Hossein Zamani, Khosro Khandani, vahid Johari Majd (2023)
Fuzzy consensus of multi-agent systems with granular fuzzy uncertainty in communication topology
Razieh Abdollahipour, Khosro Khandani, Ali Akbar Jalali (2023)
Non-fragile exponential H infinity observer-based event-triggered control of uncertain systems with disturbance input: Theoretical studies and application investigations
Alamdar Hafez, Khosro Khandani (2022)
Formation tracking control of fractional-order multi-agent systems with fixed-time convergence
Hossein Zamani, Vahid Johari Majd, Khosro Khandani (2022)
A highly chaotic fractional-order system with a four-wing attractor and its synchronization
Mohammad Ebrahim Aghili, Khosro Khandani, Majid Parvizian (2022)
Consensus of Uncertain Linear Multi-agent Systems with Granular Fuzzy Dynamics
Razieh Abdollahipour, Khosro Khandani, Ali Akbar Jalali (2022)
Observer-based robust controller design for fractional-order systems with stochastic perturbations: a diffusive representation approach
Majid Parvizian, Khosro Khandani (2022)
A non-fragile robust observer design for uncertain time-delay fractional Itô stochastic systems with input nonlinearity: An SMC approach
Khosro Khandani, Majid Parvizian, Mehmet Onder Efe (2022)
Mean square exponential stabilization of uncertain time-delay stochastic systems with fractional Brownian motion
Majid Parvizian, Khosro Khandani (2021)
A diffusive representation approach toward H∞ sliding mode control design for fractional-order Markovian jump systems
Majid Parvizian, Khosro Khandani (2021)
Hyperbolic observer design for a class of nonlinear systems
Majid Parvizian, Khosro Khandani (2021)
An H∞ non-fragile observer-based adaptive sliding mode controller design for uncertain fractional-order nonlinear systems with time delay and input nonlinearity
Majid Parvizian, Khosro Khandani, Vahid Johari Majd (2021)
Social optimization algorithm with application to economic dispatch problem
Naser Karimi, Khosro Khandani (2020)
Non-fragile exponential polynomial observer design for a class of nonlinear fractional-order systems with application in chaotic communication and synchronization
Alamdar Hafez, Khosro Khandani, Vahid Johari Majd (2020)
A non-fragile observer-based adaptive sliding mode control for fractional-order Markovian jump systems with time delay and input nonlinearity
Majid Parvizian, Khosro Khandani, Vahid Johari Majd (2020)
Distributed containment control of a class of multi‑agent systems driven by Brownian motion
Khosro Khandani, Mohsen Parsa (2019)
A sliding mode observer design for uncertain fractional Ito stochastic systems with state delay
Khosro Khandani (2019)
Integral sliding mode control for robust stabilisation of uncertain stochastic time-delay systems driven by fractional Brownian motion
Khosro Khandani, vahid Johari Majd, Mahdieh Tahmasebi (2017)
Robust Stabilization of Uncertain Time-Delay Systems With Fractional Stochastic Noise Using the Novel Fractional Stochastic Sliding Approach and Its Application to Stream Water Quality Regulation
Khosro Khandani, vahid Johari Majd, Mahdieh Tahmasebi (2017)
Comments on “Solving nonlinear stochastic differential equations with fractional Brownian motion using reducibility approach” [Nonlinear Dyn. 67, 2719–2726 (2012)]
Khosro Khandani, vahid Johari Majd, Mahdieh Tahmasebi (2015)
Conference Papers
Fuzzy distributed containment tracking of heterogeneous multi-robots with uncertain granular fuzzy linear dynamics
Nasrin Eisaabadi, Khosro Khandani, Razieh Abdollahipour (2022)
A consensus protocol design for a class of stochastic multi-agent systems with Ito general linear dynamics
Khosro Khandani (2020)
Control of a class of uncertain chaotic systems with stochastic disturbances via a sliding mode approach
Khosro Khandani (2018)
Research interests
Stochastic Control
Fuzzy Systems
Cooperative Control
Multi-agent Systems
Executive activities
Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering
(1403 - present)
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