2024 : 10 : 26
Houshang Yazdani ghareaghaj

Houshang Yazdani ghareaghaj

Academic rank: Associate Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3628-1046
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 55311881700
Faculty: Literature and Languages
Address: Arak University


on the relationship between emotional intelligence and listening comprehension among Iranian EFL university students
emotional intelligence, listening comprehension, correlations, EI subscales
Researchers Majid Nowruzi ، Houshang Yazdani ghareaghaj ، Masoud Keshavarz


Some studies have investigated the relationship among different types of intelligences and language skills.emotional inteligence has also been stimulating field of study for researchers to explore any possible correlations that can help unscamble the puzzle of interrelationships and enable researchers to make meaningful predictions on learners' success or failure in learning a language or its various skills on the basis of their emotional intelligence capacity. the present study aims at investigating the relationship between emotional intelligence along with its 15 subscales and listening comprehension. in doing so, a total of 66 freshmen EFL university students (33 males and 33 females) were selected through the conveniece sampling method and were later given the 90-item Likert-scale bar-on EI questionnaires (Bar-on, 1997) to fill out followed by a single administration of the TOEFL test of listening (PBT) adapted from Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL Test (Phillips, 2001). the obtained scores were then correlated with each other using SPSS Pearson Product-Moment correlation statistic and independent-samples T-test. the results showed that emotional intelligence as a whole (EI) and listening comprehension postitvely correlated with each other, though the obtained correlation coefficient was of medium strength (r=.35). Taking the 15 subscales of EI into account, listening comprehension correlated positively but moderately with problem solving, reality testing, interpersonal relationship, optimism, and self-reliance, though the results were somehow varied when gender differences were taken into account. among the male participants, self-actualization and interpersonal relationship correlated the strongest with listening while among the females, problem solving and reality testing had the strongest correlations with listening. the obtained results have created new opportunities for further investigation of the probable relationships based on the new insgihts acco