نام و نام خانوادگی منصور اقبالی شغل نامشخص تحصیلات _ وبسایت پست الکترونیک — مقاله چاپشده مقاله ارائهشده کتاب پایان نامه های تقاضا محور و غیر تقاضا محور طرح پژوهشی خاتمهیافته افتخارات و جوایز استانی، کشوری و بینالمللی ابداع عنوانمجله 1 The Comparison of Treating Holstein Dairy Cows with Progesterone, CIDR and GnRH After Insemination on Serum Progesterone and Pregnancy Rates Reproduction in Domestic Animals 2 Response of calves fed starters based on either steam-flaked corn grain or steam-flaked barley grain to dietary protein content in Holstein dairy calves Animal Feed Science and Technology 3 Effects of barley grain processing method (ground vs. steam flaked) and dietary protein content on growth performance, ruminal fermentation, and inflammatory indicators of Holstein dairy calves Animal Feed Science and Technology 4 Milk feeding level and starter protein content: Effects on growth performance, blood metabolites, and urinary purine derivatives of Holstein dairy calves Journal of Dairy Science 5 Treating canola meal changes in situ degradation, nutrient apparent digestibility, and protein fractions in sheep Small Ruminant Research 6 Effects of an Electric Field on the Cylindrical Dust Acoustic Wave in Magnetized Complex Plasmas Chinese Physics Letters