نام و نام خانوادگی جان مک ایوان شغل پژوهشگر خارجی تحصیلات _ وبسایت پست الکترونیک — مقاله چاپشده مقاله ارائهشده کتاب پایان نامه های تقاضا محور و غیر تقاضا محور طرح پژوهشی خاتمهیافته افتخارات و جوایز استانی، کشوری و بینالمللی ابداع عنوانمجله 1 RNA-Seq based selection signatures analysis for identifying genomic footprints associated with fat-tail phenotype in sheep Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2 Hitchhiking Mapping of Candidate Regions Associated with Fat Depo-sition in Iranian Thin and Fat Tail Sheep Breeds Suggests New Insights into Molecular Aspects of Fat Tail Selection ANIMALS 3 Genome-wide selection of discriminant snp markers for breed assignment in indigenous sheep breeds Annals of Animal Science 4 On the origin of European sheep as revealed by the diversity of the Balkan breeds and by optimizing population-genetic analysis tools GENETICS SELECTION EVOLUTION