نام و نام خانوادگی آرش روحانی شغل کارمند سایر سازمانهای داخلی تحصیلات کارشناسی ارشد / مهندسی برق قدرت وبسایت پست الکترونیک Arash [dot] rohani [at] apdeng [dot] com [dot] au مقاله چاپشده مقاله ارائهشده کتاب پایان نامه های تقاضا محور و غیر تقاضا محور طرح پژوهشی خاتمهیافته افتخارات و جوایز استانی، کشوری و بینالمللی ابداع عنوانمجله 1 Broken Conductor Fault Location in Power Transmission Lines Using GMDH Function and Single-Terminal Data Independent of Line Parameters Journal of Applied Research in Electrical Engineering 2 A Novel Fuzzy Theory-Based Differential Protection Scheme for Transmission Lines International Journal of Integrated Engineering 3 Three-phase amplitude adaptive notch filter control design of DSTATCOM under unbalanced/distorted utility voltage conditions Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 4 Fault location determination in three-terminal transmission lines connected to industrial microgrids without requiring fault classification data and independent of line parameters International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 5 Bi-level power management strategy in harmonic-polluted active distribution network including virtual power plants IET Renewable Power Generation 6 Power management of harmonic polluted active distribution network in the presence of integrated unit of electric spring and electric vehicles parking lot IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution