نام و نام خانوادگی لوکاس داسیلوا شغل پژوهشگر خارجی تحصیلات مهندسی مکانیک وبسایت پست الکترونیک — مقاله چاپشده مقاله ارائهشده کتاب پایان نامه های تقاضا محور و غیر تقاضا محور طرح پژوهشی خاتمهیافته افتخارات و جوایز استانی، کشوری و بینالمللی ابداع عنوانمجله 1 The Effect of Tool Rotation Speed on the Formation of Eutectic Structure during Friction Stir Welding of Aluminum to Magnesium Applied Sciences 2 Effect of Alloying Elements on Intermetallic Formation during Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Metals: A Critical Review on Aluminum/Steel Metals 3 3D Printing of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene by Fused Deposition Modeling: Artificial Neural Network and Response Surface Method Analyses Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 4 A Parametric Study on the Effect of FSW Parameters and the Tool Geometry on the Tensile Strength of AA2024–AA7075 Joints: Microstructure and Fracture lubricants 5 Impact Fatigue Life of Adhesively Bonded Composite-Steel Joints Enhanced with the Bi-Adhesive Technique MATERIALS 6 Impact fatigue life improvement of bonded structures using the bi-adhesive technique Fatigue and fracture of engineering materials and structures 7 Processing of Al-Cu-Mg alloy by FSSP: Parametric analysis and the effect of cooling environment on microstructure evolution Materials Letters 8 The inhibitory effect of stir zone liquefaction and eutectic-phase formation on the growth of γ/β intermetallics during dissimilar FSW of Al/Mg alloys Journal of Manufacturing Processes