مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Development of an Integer ...
عنوان Development of an Integer Linear Programming for Automatic Layout Design in Blanking and Piercing Progressive Dies
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Progressive die, Punch, Layout design, Integer linear programming
چکیده The design of progressive dies is complicated and time-consuming and needs high knowledge and experience. The layout design is one of the most important and complicated steps of progressive dies design which accuracy and cost of the die highly depend on it. In this step number of stations and the way of assigning punches in stations are determined. In the present research, a new method for optimizing the layout design of punches in different stations of progressive dies is presented. In this work, by considering the two objectives of minimizing the number of workstations and the balance of the die torque, and considering the various constraints that can exist between punches and using integer linear programming, a mathematical model for optimal layout design is proposed. A software is coded to implement this method. This software is developed in the Solidworks environment and the Visual Basic language. The input of the software is the punches used to create the sheet metal workpiece and the various constraints that exist between them. The output of the software includes the optimal distribution of these punches in different workstations. To check the performance of the presented software, its layout design has been compared with the designs proposed by expert designers. The output results showed that the designs proposed by the software are more suitable or similar to the designs proposed by the expert designers from the view point of the workstations number and the balance of the die torque.
پژوهشگران بهروز آرزو (نفر دوم)، مهران افشاری (نفر اول)