مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Multivariate analysis of ...
عنوان Multivariate analysis of oriental apple (Malus orientalis Uglitzk.) based on phenotypic and pomological characterizations
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده
کلیدواژه‌ها breeding, conservation, fruit, gene pool, Malus orientalis
چکیده Oriental apple (Malus orientalis Uglitzk.) is rich in valuable traits, such as later blooming, adaptation to a wider array of habitats, and capacity for longer storage of the apples, that should be considered important to the genetic makeup of the domestic apple. Here, the morphological diversity of this species was evaluated. There were significant differences among the accessions studied as revealed by the recorded traits. Ripening date ranged from late April to mid-May. Fruit skin ground color showed strong diversity, including light cream, cream, yellow, light green, and green-white. Also, fruit skin over color was highly variable, including white, cream, yellow, light green, and green-white. Fruit weight ranged from 3.45 to 16.74 g. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed 13 PCs which contributed to 83.30% of total variance and fruit-related characters were the most effective traits for separating and identifying the studied accessions. The Ward dendrogram reflected the similarities and dissimilarities among the accessions based on the qualitative and quantitative variables measured. A high phenotypic diversity within the collected material of M. orientalis was indicated. The diversity existing in the indigenous wild M. orientalis could further add new genetic information in the global gene pool of Malus species. The present study confirmed the necessity of preserving this unique genetic resource and continuing its study no matter the fact that in practice.
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