مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Morphological and pomological ...
عنوان Morphological and pomological characterizations of almond (Prunus amygdalus L.) genotypes to choose the lateblooming superiors
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده
کلیدواژه‌ها Germplasm  Breeding  Late-blooming  Nut  Kernel
چکیده The injuries caused by spring frosts are one of the main factors limiting the production and distribution of almond. Therefore, the present study was performed to select late-blooming almond genotypes that have high quantity and quality of kernel among the seedling originated populations. The genotypes studied showed significant diversity based on the characters measured (ANOVA, P\0.01). Among all the genotypes studied, the range of nut weight, kernel weight, and kernel percentage was from 1.69–6.09 g, 0.50–1.38 g, and 12.80–45.69%, respectively. After clustering the genotypes based on the full-blooming data, 78 late-blooming genotypes were recognized and reanalyzed based on the fruit-related characters to select the superior ones. In the lateblooming genotypes, kernel taste was sweet in 17 and very sweet in two genotypes. Among those genotypes, the range of nut weight, kernel weight, and kernel percentage was from 1.69–6.09 g, 0.55–1.10 g, and 12.80–45.69%, respectively. The multiple regression analysis (MRA) showed that kernel percentage was found to be associated with shell thickness, kernel length, nut weight, kernel weight, and double kernel percentage. Finally, among the late-blooming genotypes, 21 genotypes were promising according to the ideal values of commercial characters of almonds, including, yield, nut weight, shell hardness, kernel weight, kernel percentage, and kernel flavor, and can be cultivated in the orchards.
پژوهشگران علی خدیوی (نفر دوم)، کیمیا عسگری (نفر اول)