مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /The effects of different ...
عنوان The effects of different tip-pruning times on flowering, yield, and maturity of two mango cultivars in subtropical climate of Northern Territory (Katherine region) from Australia
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده
کلیدواژه‌ها B74, dry matter, Honey Gold, near-infrared spectroscopy, tip pruning
چکیده This study aimed to take advantage of the progressively cooler weather in the Katherine regions (Northern Australia) that occurs from April to July to investigate the effects of night temperatures on developing mango buds. The experiment was conducted using seven-year-old commercial mango cultivars Honey Gold and Calypso (B74) grown on separate location sites. Tip-pruning treatments were applied to three replicate single trees at four weekly intervals for five months. All branches around the canopy were pruned 10 cm approximately above the last internode. The length of new vegetative flush growth for 20 randomly selected pruned branches on each tree was recorded on a weekly basis. During experiment from April to November (harvesting time) climate data including; temperature (mean, max, min), chill and heat sums, chill and heat cumulative (cum), and relative humidity (RH %) were recorded hourly to find their impact on growth characteristics such as; vegetative bud growth, flowering time, canopy flowering (%), inflorescence length, number of fruits/tree, and fruit maturity. Pruned trees produced more inflorescence when the axillary bud below cutting point received over 300 hrs chill cum <20 ̊C over the first three to four weeks after tip pruning. Fruit maturity data indicated that tip pruning could be used as an agrotechnical tool to delay harvesting time for the studied mango cultivars. The result showed that the combination of cool weather (<20 ̊C) and tip pruning is promising alternative strategies for sustainable mangoes production in the region, when applied in May, June, and first two weeks of July.
پژوهشگران علی خدیوی (نفر سوم)، کامرون مک کونچی (نفر دوم)، علی سرخوش (نفر اول)