2025 : 2 : 13
Mohammad Ghaffary
Academic rank:
Associate Professor
Literature and Languages
Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters and Languages, Arak University, Arak, Iran
m-ghaffary [at] araku.ac.ir
Research activities
Research interests
Executive activities
MSc. in English Language and Literature , Shahid Beheshti University , Iran
(2009 - 2012)
Thesis title:
PhD. in English Language and Literature , Shiraz University , Iran
(2012 - 2016)
Thesis title:
Research activities
Journal Papers
Nothing Worth Making, Nothing Worth Knowing: A Deleuzeoguattarian Reading of Science and Morality in Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle
Mohammad Ghaffary, Sara Karimi (2024)
To Live Even One Day: A Comparative Narratological Study of the Representation of Characters’ Discourses in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway and Marleen Gorris’s Cinematic Adaptation
Mohammad Ghaffary, Mahsa Hashemi (2024)
A Cognitive-Stylistic Study of Deixis and Deictic Shifting in Iris Murdoch’s The Bell
Mohammad Ghaffary, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, Mohadesse Khosravi (2024)
The One Who Plants Evils: A Contrapuntal Reading of Othering and Identity Politics in “Odysseus’s Tale of Trials” from Homer’s Odyssey
Mohammad Ghaffary (2024)
Art as Immanent Liberation: A Deleuzean Study of the Role of Art in Iris Murdoch’s The Unicorn
Mohammad Ghaffary, Melika Ramzi (2023)
The Salmon’s Spring Out of the Water: A Deleuzean Reading of Freedom in Iris Murdoch’s The Unicorn
Mohammad Ghaffary, Melika Ramzi (2022)
The Tragedy of Love: A Study of Love and Death in Jacques Lacan’s Thought, With Special Reference to Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
Mohammad Ghaffary, Ghiasuddin Alizadeh (2022)
The Eternal Recurrence of Oedipus: A Deleuzean Reading of Love and Ethics in Iris Murdoch’s The Sandcastle
Mohammad Ghaffary (2020)
The Event of Love and the Being of Morals: A Deleuzian Reading of Iris Murdoch’s The Bell
Mohammad Ghaffary (2019)
“Entering the School of Life”: A Deleuzean Reading of Iris Murdochʼs The Flight from the Enchanter
Mohammad Ghaffary, Alireza Anushiravani (2016)
A Poetics of Free Indirect Discourse in Narrative Film
Mohammad Ghaffary, Amir Ali Nojoumian (2013)
Conference Papers
A Poststructuralist Feminist Reading of Adrienne Rich’s “Diving into the Wreck” Based on Julia Kristeva’s Theory of the Semiotic
Mohammad Ghaffary, Maryam Bayat (2024)
Meaning Not to Be Set Down: An Ecocritical Reading of the Nature / Culture Binary in R. S. Thomas’s “The Meeting
Mohammad Ghaffary, Sepideh Vaez (2024)
Poiesis, Mimesis, and Truth: A Deconstructive Reading of Robert Graves’s The Devil’s Advice to Story-Tellers
Mohammad Ghaffary (2024)
A Hundred Stalks Spreading into Heart-Shaped Leaves: A Study of Narrative Discourse in Virginia Woolf’s Kew Gardens
Mohammad Ghaffary (2023)
Nature, Narrative, Discourse: An Eco-Narratological Study of Iris Murdoch’s The Sea, the Sea
Mohammad Ghaffary, Laya Shirmohamadi (2023)
Sweet, Crazy Conversations: A Study of Narrative Structure in Toni Morrison’s Beloved
Mohammad Ghaffary, Mahsa Hashemi (2022)
A Cognitive-Semantic Analysis of Metaphor and Metonymy in Headlines of the Iranian Newspapers Iran Daily and Tehran Times and the American Newspapers The Wall-Street Journal and The New York Times and Its Implications for TEFL
Sepideh Mohseni, Houshang Yazdani ghareaghaj, Mohammad Ghaffary (2022)
A Tiny Place to Live, a Tiny Place to Die: An Ecofeminist Reading of Ahmad Shamlu’s Ayda in the Mirror
Mohammad Ghaffary, Hadis Hassanvand (2022)
Wrenched by Two Styles: A Lacanian Reading of Trauma in Derek Walcott’s A Far Cry from Africa and Codicil
Mohammad Ghaffary, Hadis Hassanvand (2022)
“Don’t Forget to Call Her Patricia”: A Levinasian Ethical Reading of the Self-Other Relation in Iris Murdoch’s The Time of the Angels
Mohammad Ghaffary, Sepideh Vaez (2025)
A Žižekian Psychoanalytic Reading of Desire and the Real in Iris Murdoch’s The Philosopher’s Pupil
Mohammad Ghaffary, Maedeh Najafi (2024)
An Althusserian Reading of the Education and Family ISAs in Iris Murdoch’s The Sandcastle
Mohammad Ghaffary, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, Abbas Atiyah Oudah Al-Asadi (2024)
The Shocking Transformation of King Lear in Edward Bond's Lear
Hamid Varmazyari, Mohammad Ghaffary, Doaa Fadhil Al-Mufarji (2024)
Working Magic and Shameless Lies: A Deleuzean Reading of Science and Religion in Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle
Mohammad Ghaffary, Sara Karimi (2024)
An Analysis of Male Characters in Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens Based on R. W. Connell's Theory of Masculinity
Masoud Keshavarz, Mohammad Ghaffary, Hadee Oudah Lafta Lafta (2024)
An Ecofeminist Reading of the Role of Nature in Shaping Individual Identity in Elizabeth Gilbert’s The Signature of All Things
Mohammad Ghaffary, Mahdi Vahedikia, Athraa Fawzi Shareef Al-Mansoori (2024)
A Freudian Psychoanalytic Reading of Love and Hate in Iris Murdoch’s The Sandcastle
Mohammad Ghaffary, Masoud Keshavarz, Layla Ali Kadhim Ramzi (2023)
An Ecocritical Reading of Eowyn Ivey's The Snow Child: A Novel Between Wilderness and Isolation
Mahdi Vahedikia, Mohammad Ghaffary, Ebtihal Salim Mandeel Al-Maliki (2023)
A Freudian Psychoanalytical Reading of Desire in Raymond Chandler's The Big Sleep and The Long Goodbye
Mahdi Vahedikia, Mohammad Ghaffary, Mustafa Khaleel Ibrahim Alshekh Hasan (2023)
A Postcolonial-Feminist Study of the Representation of Feminine Identity in Pearl Cleage’s What Looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day
Mohammad Ghaffary, Abolfazl Horri, Salwa Jaber Abdulkadhim Alfatle (2023)
Feminine Identity in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye: A Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis
Mohammad Ghaffary, Hamid Reza Dowlatabadi, Alaa Yahya Karam Al-Yasari (2023)
A Feminist Study of Power Struggles in Paula Hawkins’s The Girl on the Train Based on Luce Irigaray’s Theory
Mohammad Ghaffary, Abolfazl Horri, Huda Yaseen Muhammed Al-Bdairi (2023)
Interpretation of Nationalism and Irish Identity in James Joyce Works: Dubliners
Houshang Yazdani ghareaghaj, Mohammad Ghaffary, Rasool Salman Atrim (2023)
A Comparative Cultural-Materialist Study of Selected Poems of Philip Larkin and Federico Garcia Lorca
Hamid Reza Dowlatabadi, Mohammad Ghaffary, MAHER Hasan Ali Fazaa (2023)
Ideology and Ideological Apparatuses in August Wilson's The Piano Lesson: An Althusserian Reading
Mahdi Javidshad, Mohammad Ghaffary, Safa Sattar Yass (2023)
An Althusserian Reading of Tennessee Williams’s The Glass Menagerie, With Special Reference to the Role of Art and Family
Mohammad Ghaffary, Mahdi Javidshad, Hayder Razzaq Kadhim Al-Khafaji (2023)
The Representation of the Binary Opposition of Nature and Culture in Iris Murdoch’s The Bell: An Ecocritical Approach
Mohammad Ghaffary, Hamid Varmazyari, Mustafa Ayyed Mohammed Mohammed (2023)
The Representation of Disability in Edgar Allan Poe’s Selected Short Stories: A Disability Studies Approach
Mohammad Ghaffary, Masoud Keshavarz, Musa Naeem Abdullah Al-Saedi (2023)
Rejecting Individual and Institutional Racism in Angie Thomas' The Hate U Give: A Study Based on Ture and Hamilton’s Theory
Masoud Keshavarz, Mohammad Ghaffary, Murtadha Mundher Albandar (2023)
Aspects of Feminine Writing in Susan Abulhawa's Mornings in Jenin based on Helen Cixous' Theory
Masoud Keshavarz, Mohammad Ghaffary, Mohammed Talib Khazaal Alkhafi (2023)
A Psychoanalytic Reading of Emotional and Life Experiences of Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre Based on Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development
Hamid Varmazyari, Mohammad Ghaffary, Elaf Maki Mejbel (2023)
Art as Resistance: Black Identity in Sherely Anne Williams' Dessa Rose: A Trauma Studies Approach
Abolfazl Horri, Mohammad Ghaffary, Dania Ali Albakeerat (2023)
A Feminist Approach to Masculinity and Femininity: Self-vanity and Self-Confirmation in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse
Abolfazl Horri, Mohammad Ghaffary, Jalil Jumaah Mrayeh (2023)
An Ecocritical Study of the Representation of Nature in Iris Murdoch’s The Sea, the Sea
Mohammad Ghaffary, Laya Shirmohamadi (2022)
To Let the Fresh Air in at Last: A Deleuzean Reading of Freedom in Iris Murdoch’s The Unicorn
Mohammad Ghaffary, Melika Ramzi (2022)
A Deleuzean Reading of Love and Art in Iris Murdoch’s The Black Prince
Mohammad Ghaffary, Maryam Bayat (2022)
A Cognitive Study of Text Worlds in Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian and Its Implications for Reading Comprehension in TEFL
Mohammad Ghaffary, Mousa Ahmadian, Kiarash Hakki (2022)
A Cognitive Study of Deixis in Iris Murdoch’s The Bell and Its Implications for Reading Comprehension in TEFL
Mohammad Ghaffary, Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, Mohadesse Khosravi (2021)
A Cognitive-Semantic Analysis of Metaphor and Metonymy in Headlines of the National Newspapers Iran Daily and Tehran Times and the International Newspapers The Wall- Street Journal and The New York Times
Houshang Yazdani ghareaghaj, Mohammad Ghaffary, Sepideh Mohseni (2021)
A Comparative Study of the Frequencies and Functions of Discourse Markers in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid's Tale Based on Fraser’s Model with Pedagogical Implications
Majid Amerian, Alimohammad Mohammadi, Mohammad Ghaffary, Ramin Namaki Araghi (2021)
A Polyphonic Reading of Othering in “Odysseus’s Tale of Trials” from Homer’s Odyssey and “The Seven Trials of Rostam” from Ferdowsi’s Book of Kings
Mohammad Ghaffary, Houshang Yazdani ghareaghaj (2019)
Research interests
Comparative Literature (Esp. Literature and Cinema and Adaptation Studies)
Structuralist and Poststructuralist Approaches to Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Narrative Fiction in English
Literature and Philosophy (Philosophy of Literature, Philosophy in Literature, Literature as Philosophy)
Executive activities
Designing and Completing a Six-Month Sabbatical Entitled "Empowerment of the Instructors and Employees of the Markazi Province's General Office of the Institute for the Intellectual Development of Children and Young Adults in Literary Theory and Criticism"
(1402 - 1402)
Member of the Policy-Making Council of the Comparative Literature Specialized Working Group of the Persian Language and Literature Promotion Association of Iran
(1402 - 1404)
Member of the Council for Reviewing and Revising the MA Curriculum in English Language and Literature (The Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology of Iran)
(1400 - 1400)
Member of the Promotions Committee for the Academic Staff of Arak University
(1402 - 1404)
Head of the Center for Attracting and Cultivating Special Talents, Arak University
(1401 - 1402)
Academia Profile
ResearchGate Profile
LinkedIn Profile
Google Scholar Profile
ORCID Profile
Magiran Profile