2025 : 1 : 24
Mohammad Abolhassani
Academic rank:
Associate Professor
Arak University
m-abolhassani [at] araku.ac.ir
Research activities
Research activities
Journal Papers
Sampling moiré method A: more exact solution
Mohammad Abolhassani (2023)
Fractional Lau effect with binary gratings: A frequency analysis
Mohammad Abolhassani (2022)
Sampling Moire method using non-sinusoidal grating
Mohammad Abolhassani (2021)
Full-description of integer Lau effect with arbitrary amplitude diffracting grating
Mohammad Abolhassani (2018)
Specification of multiple image characteristics viewed through a grating
Mohammad Abolhassani (2016)
Optical transfer function analysis of single pinhole glasses
Mohammad Abolhassani, Abolfazl Akbari (2015)
Rigorous formula for electromagnetic field power based on Poynting vector
Mohammad Abolhassani (2013)
Speckle noise reduction by multiple reconstructions in digital off axis holography
Y Rostami, Mohammad Abolhassani (2013)
Speckle noise reduction by division and digital processing of a hologram
Mohammad Abolhassani, Y Rostami (2012)
Montgomery rings derivation using angular spectrum approach
Mohammad Abolhassani, N Kamani (2012)
Conical parametric scattering of a single extraordinary beam in BaTiO3 crystal
Mohammadhosain Majles Ara, SR Hosseini, MH Rezvani, Mohammad Abolhassani (2011)
Formulation of moiré fringes based on spatial averaging
Mohammad Abolhassani (2011)
Pixel size determination of a monitor using moiré fringe
Mohammad Abolhassani (2010)
Unification of formulation of moiré fringe spacing in parametric equation and Fourier analysis methods
Mohammad Abolhassani, Mahmoud Mirzaei (2007)
Specification of spectral line shape and multiplex dispersion by self-imaging and moire technique
Mohammad Taghi Tavassoly, Mohammad Abolhassani (2004)
Conference Papers
Evaluation of focal length of a lens using the Lau effect
Mohammad Abolhassani (2015)
Zero-order Elimination in off-axis Digital Holography by Digital Processing
Mohammad Abolhassani, Yadollah Rostami (2014)
Speckle Reduction by Simultaneous Multiple Radiations on the Object in Digital Holography
Mohammad Abolhassani, Yadollah Rostami (2014)
Speckle noise reduction by changing sampling size in digital holography
Yadollah Rostami, Mohammad Abolhassani (2012)
zero-order elimination in digital holography by using of two holograms:one is made by tilting the CCD
Mohammad Abolhassani, Y Rostami (2011)
design and farbrication of a two-beam prism-interferometer
Mohammad Abolhassani (2010)
Investigation of high reflectivity optical phase-conjugation in BaTiO3
Mohammadhosain Majles Ara, Seyed Rouhollah Hosseini, Mohammad Abolhassani (2008)
Pixel size determination of a monitor using moiré fringe
Mohammad Abolhassani, Rahil Daman (2008)