2024 : 10 : 26
karim zohrevandian

karim zohrevandian

Academic rank: Associate Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5914-8734
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 57197786709
Faculty: Sport Sciences
Address: Arak University


طراحی مدل بازاریابی بازی و ورزش کودکان
brand image, game and sport, children, marketing communication, loyalty.
Researchers karim zohrevandian ، Omidreza Hooshmandi


The present study was done to develop a marketing model Kid's Sports and Games Centers. The present is an applied that was conducted qualitatively; the participants in the research were also selected by purposeful sampling up to the limit of saturation (12 people). Data were collected from theoretical and background studies as well as In-depth and semi-structured interview. In order to analyze the data, theory of contextualization with the approach of Strauss and Corbin was used. The code resulting from the interviews and the background of the research was 606 open codes, after combining and merging codes as well as removing commonalities; The number of 154 open codes, and then 28 central codes and finally in the model 5 groups 1) causal conditions (families' attention to children, play is the basic need of children, the role of play and sports in education, the lack of family awareness about kids growth, Families are not familiar with children's sports centers and the role of games and sports on kids), 2) background conditions (creativity in marketing, existing laws and regulations, public access to technology, and specialized human resources), 3) intervention conditions (the role of the federation and public sports boards, the belief of coaches and managers in marketing, the role of Education Department and teachers, high marketing costs, economic, social and cultural conditions, and cultural limitations), 4) strategies (Comprehensive marketing plan, Designing the right marketing mix, integrated marketing communications, creating communication campaigns, comprehensive brand management, designing the unique and high-quality service, creating a marketing alliance with effective centers), 5) consequences (Creating a favorable image of the game center brand, increasing customers, word-of-mouth advertising, loyalty and sustainable income) were included in the central phenomenon model (marketing model of kids Sports centers). The current model can give a clear view to the decision makers and manager of Kids Sport Center to provide win-win services.