2025 : 2 : 19
Hamid Reza Dowlatabadi

Hamid Reza Dowlatabadi

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7763-6678
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 57188754727
Faculty: Literature and Languages
Address: Arak University


A Study on Male/Female English teachers' attitude in Different Teaching Grades Towards the use of Video Games as Homework for students
Video Games, Teaching, Homework, attitude, TEFL, Iranian English Teachers, Teaching Experience.
Researchers Hamid Reza Dowlatabadi(PrimaryAdvisor)، Pouria barzan(Student)


The impact of using educational video games as homework relies on teachers’ attitudes towards video games. This thesis studies Iranian English teachers’ attitudes towards the use of video games as homework in Iran. Another purpose of the study was to show whether there was any difference between males’ and females’ teaching grades and teaching experience in Iranian English teachers’ perceptions about using video games as homework. To fulfill this purpose, a total of 465 Iranian English teachers participated in an online survey. The instruments used in this study were based on a validated questionnaire which was created by Alqurashi (2016). After collecting the raw data, the SPSS software (version 20) was used to change the data into numerical interpretable information. The researcher used one-way ANOVA to examine the information. The findings of this research indicated that Iranian English teachers’ attitudes toward using video games as homework were mainly positive. The overall findings revealed that there was a notable disparity between Iranian English teachers’ attitudes based on gender. Findings revealed that female English teachers had a more positive attitude in comparison with male English teachers. In addition, no notable mean difference between English teachers' teaching level or years of teaching experience and their attitudes were observed. The results of this research can familiarize other researchers with Iranian English teachers’ viewpoint on using video games as homework as well as playing a part in the literature about the role of gaming in teaching and learning processes. The findings of this study could motivate parents, teachers, and the Ministry of Education of Iran to create and use educational games that can meet learners’ needs for knowledge and challenge.