2025 : 2 : 14
Masoud Keshavarz

Masoud Keshavarz

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6585-2752
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Literature and Languages
Address: Arak University


Investigating Iraqi EFL High School Students' Attitude towards Cooperative Learning Strategies and Improving Grammar knowledge
Cooperative Learning Strategy, Attitude, Grammar Knowledge, Goal Oriented Task, Group Interdependence, Iraq
Researchers Houshang Yazdani ghareaghaj(PrimaryAdvisor)، Masoud Keshavarz(Advisor)، Mohammed Yassin Ahmed(Student)


This study aims to investigate the Iraqi School EFL learners' attitudes towards cooperative learning techniques for their grammar knowledge. The study is restricted to EFL learners (age range 15-18 years) in Iraqi langrage high schools. For the last two years, the pupils have been studying English as a foreign language. A total Sample of 60 were selected through convenient who are later divided into two groups: experimental and control groups. To achieve the aim of the study, students' questionnaire of learning strategies and attitude were administered among these two groupsto see the correlation between cooperative learning strategies and attitude further to their impact on improving grammar knowledge In order to get required results, a multiple regression analysis shows that Group Interdependence is positively correlated with the Attitudes towards Cooperative Learning. The results revealed that there exists a relationship between Cooperative learning and attitude. The results suggest that grammar development be incorporated in teacher training and short-term in-service programs, especially for EFL teachers. These programs can help EFL teachers critically develop their ability in dealing with difficult and stressful situations and problems. Students' interdependence, individual responsibility, interpersonal skills, group processing, and face-to-face contact are the most effective techniques in cooperative learning strategies. These results have implications for future practice and, indeed, for policy makers: suggesting that greater flexibility can be put into practice both in the classroom and curriculum alike. This study also is foreseen to contribute to the educational practice because it is a theoretically-based approach that has been shown to be highly effective in enhancing student learning and improving social relations when compared to other non-cooperative instructional methods. This involves harnessing the well-known benefits of cooperative learning. Face-to-face contact is a crucial component of this teaching strategy.