This study investigates the relationship between crime and unemployment based on previous researches in Iran. It summarizes, using meta-analysis techniques, results from 20 studies concerning the unemployment/crime relationship. Coded studies and contextual features in the form of moderators have been used to explain the variation in research findings. The moderator of the different time periods compared the effects of unemployment on crime in periods before and after 2006. Significant links were found between unemployment and crime. Results of categorical moderators indicated that the effect of unemployment on crime after 2006 in Iran was more than that of unemployment on crime before 2006. Examination of the economic policies of the Khatami (1997–2005) and Ahmadinejad governments (2005–2013) explains the results of this study. The economic disorganization in the Ahmadinejad government brought about bankruptcy for production units as well as an increase in unemployment rates.