2025 : 1 : 14
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh
Academic rank:
Associate Professor
Arak University
s-ostadzadeh [at] araku.ac.ir
Research activities
Research activities
Journal Papers
ANFIS‑based impedance analysis of an infinite array of rectangular microstrip antennas
Mohammad Amin Kazemi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2024)
Application of ANFIS Technique for Wide-Band Modeling of Overvoltage of Single- Conductor Overhead Lines with Arrester above Dispersive and Two-Layer Soils
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2023)
GPR of Multiple Vertical Rods under Lightning Strokes Considering Ionization, Dispersion, and Non-Homogeneity of Lossy Soils
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Seyed hossein Hesamedin Sadeghi (2023)
TM Scattering by a Shallow Elliptical-Shaped Cavity
Mehdi Bozorgi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2022)
Effective area of grounding grids in frequency-variant soils: causality versus non-causality
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi (2022)
Predicting formulae for effective length of counterpoise wires buried in ionized, dispersive and inhomogeneous soils
Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2020)
Predicting formulae for effective length of counterpoise wires buried in ionized, dispersive and in homogeneous soils
Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2020)
Predicting formulae for effective length of counterpoise wires buried in ionized, dispersive and inhomogeneous soils
Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2020)
An efficient spectral balance method for transient analysis of single phase overhead lines in the presence of surge arresters
Seyyed Mahdiar Taghavi Araghi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, Seyed hossein Hesamedin Sadeghi (2020)
Comprehensively Efficient Analysis of Nonlinear Wire Scatterers Considering Lossy Ground and Multi-tone Excitations
Amir Bahrami, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2020)
Parametric dependence of lightning impulse behavior of grounding electrodes buried in a dispersive and ionized lossy soil under first- and subsequent-stroke currents
Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, Seyed hossein Hesamedin Sadeghi (2020)
Parametric dependence of lightning impulse behavior of grounding electrodes buried in a dispersive and ionized lossy soil under first- and subsequent-stroke currents
Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, Seyed hossein Hesamedin Sadeghi (2020)
Validity of Improved MTL for Effective Length of Counterpoise Wires under Low and High-Valued Lightning Currents
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2020)
Validity of Improved MTL for Effective Length of Counterpoise Wires under Low and High-Valued Lightning Currents
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2020)
Comprehensive formulae for effective length of multiple grounding electrodes considering different aspects of soils: Simplified multiconductor transmission line-intelligent water drop approach
Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Vahid Aghajani, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2020)
Back scattering response from single, finite and infinite array of nonlinear antennas based on intelligent water drops algorithm
Amir Bahrami, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2019)
Impact of Ocean-Land Mixed Propagation Path on Equivalent Circuit of Grounding Rods
Sajjad Mehrabi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2019)
Transient Analyses of Grounding Electrodes Considering Ionization and Dispersion Aspects of Soils Simultaneously: An Improved Multiconductor Transmission Line Model (Improved MTL)
Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Vahid Aghajani, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2019)
Back scattering response from single, finite and infinite array of nonlinear antennas based on intelligent water drops algorithm
Amir Bahrami, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2019)
Lightning Response of Multi-Port Grids Buried in Dispersive Soils: An Approximation versus Full-wave Methods and Experiment
Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2019)
Transient Analyses of Grounding Electrodes Considering Ionization and Dispersion Aspects of Soils Simultaneously: An Improved Multiconductor Transmission Line Model (Improved MTL)
Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Vahid Aghajani, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2019)
Design of Grounding Vertical Rods Buried in Complex Soils Based on Adaptive NetworkBased Fuzzy Inference Systems
Vahid Aghajani, Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2018)
Design of Grounding Vertical Rods Buried in Complex Soils Based on Adaptive NetworkBased Fuzzy Inference Systems
Vahid Aghajani, Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2018)
Design of Grounding Vertical Rods Buried in Complex Soils Based on Adaptive NetworkBased Fuzzy Inference Systems
Vahid Aghajani, Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2018)
Application of Intelligent Water Drops in Transient Analysis of Single Conductor Overhead Lines Terminated to Grid-Grounded Arrester under Direct Lightning Strikes
Hamid Samyian, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, Amin Mirzaei naghlbari (2016)
Nonlinear Analysis of Nonlinearly Loaded Dipole Antenna in the Frequency Domain Using Fuzzy Inference
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2014)
High Frequency Analysis of Single Overhead Line Terminated to Grounded Arrester Using Fuzzy Inference Models
Seyyed Mahdiar Taghavi Araghi, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2014)
Transient Analysis of the Single-Conductor Overhead Lines Connected to Grid-Grounded Arrester under Direct Lightning by Means of GA
Farzin Taheri Astaneh, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2014)
an Efficient hybrid model in analyzing nonolinearly loaded dipole antenna above lossy ground in the frequency domain
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2013)
A hybrid model in analyzing nonlinearly loaded dipole antenna and finite antenna array in the frequency domain
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, Majid Tayarani, Mohammad Soleimani (2009)
Conference Papers
Efficient Transient Analysis of Overhead Lines Terminated with Lightning Arresters under Lightning Return Strokes
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2021)
Minimizing Broadside Back Scattering from Single, Finite and Infinite Arrays of Straight Wire Scatterers Based on Finite Element Method (FEM)
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, hamid reza zafari (2021)
A Comparison of Different Optimization Techniques on the Nonlinear Analyses of Single and Multi-Port Wire Scatterers with Nonlinear Loads
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2021)
Sajjad Mehrabi, Vahid Aghajani, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2019)
Vahid Aghajani, Ali Bagheri, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, Ali Akbar Basiri (2019)
Phase Conjugation of Double Periodic Arrays of Nonlinearly Loaded Straight Wires Based on Nonlinear Currents Approach
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, Amir Bahrami, Mohaddeseh Salehi, Bahareh Jafari (2019)
Application of Nonlinear Currents Approach in Analyzing Nonlinearly Loaded Dipole Antennas under Multi-tone Excitations
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, Bahareh Jafari, Mohaddeseh Salehi (2019)
Valitiy of Multiconductor Transmission Line Model (MTL) in Analysis and Design of Grounding Grids Buried in Lossy Frequency-Dependent Ground
Saeedreza Ostadzadeh, Seyyed sajjad Sajjadi, Sajjad Mehrabi (2019)
Broad-Band Equivalent Circuit of Grounding Grids Buried in Horizontally Two-Layered Soils: A FEM-VF Approach
Ali Bagheri, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2019)
Computer-Aided Design of Multiple Vertical Grounding Rods Buried in Linear and Nonlinear Soils using Fuzzy Inference System (FIS)
Ali Bagheri, Saeedreza Ostadzadeh (2019)