2025 : 2 : 14
Alimohammad Mohammadi

Alimohammad Mohammadi

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7087-0656
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 57224993349
Faculty: Literature and Languages
Address: Arak University


An Analysis of the Iranian Simultaneous Interpreter’s Strategies Based on Translation Spotting: A Study of Inferential and Temporal Discourse Markers
Discourse Markers, Simultaneous Interpretation, Translation Spotting
Journal پژوهش هاي زبانشناختي در زبان هاي خارجي
Researchers Alimohammad Mohammadi


Simultaneous interpretation involves the parallel and temporal decoding and encoding of information within natural language processing framework. And language processing includes change and adaptation. The present researcher tried to analyze simultaneous interpreter’s interpreting strategies in the interpretation of the two groups of the most frequent, effective, complex, and apparently simple discourse monitoring elements, that is, discourse markers (DMs). To carry out the study, the researcher applied parallel data focusing on the comparat ive analysis of inferential and temporal discourse markers from Persian into English. To meet the aims of the research, three Persian lectures along with their simultaneous interpretation were selected randomly. Coherence theory in discourse analysis and translation spotting in translation studies shaped the theoretical perspectives the study, and an inventory of discourse markers. The basis of this analysis was a comparative analysis of discourse markers in source and target texts. The results revealed that this simultaneous interpreter applied four groups of elaborative, contrastive, inferential, and temporal discourse markers in simultaneous interpretation of inferential and temporal discourse markers. This is a creative, flexible, and innovative approach in construction of discourse substantiated from an awareness of discoursal differences bet ween two languages and application of this awareness in planning and creation of proper discourse for the audience. Moreover, this analysis revealed that this Iranian simultaneous interpreter applied a theory in pragmatics, that is, underspecification and another theory in linguistics, that is, cooperative principles. Different implications in various research and educational perspectives about curriculum planning, material preparation, and educational discourse were suggested.