2025 : 2 : 14
Masoud Keshavarz

Masoud Keshavarz

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6585-2752
Education: PhD.
Faculty: Literature and Languages
Address: Arak University


An Analytical Study of the Grotesque features in Wallace Stevens's Selected Poems Based on Childs and Fowler' Definitions
grotesque, oddness, paradox, irony, comedy, fantasy
Researchers Masoud Keshavarz(PrimaryAdvisor)، Mahdi Javidshad(Advisor)، Raghad Ghazi Sachit Al-Zubaidi(Student)


The issue that this study addresses is the literary works of the American modernist poet, Wallace Stevens, in particular his poetry. The issue that this thesis tends to explore is the use of grotesque elements in Stevens ś poems. So, the main purpose of this study is to find out whether he uses any features of grotesque or not. The study investigates the application of five features of grotesque which are irony, comedy, oddness, paradox, and fantasy. The data collection procedures that are followed based on collecting data from books found in libraries, besides reading articles, essays, theses and dissertations that explored the same or a close subject to have a better insight into what other researchers have achieved till this moment. In addition, the study relies heavily on two books as to be the main sources in this study, which are Childs and Fowlers (2006) dictionary of Literary Terms and the Collected Poems by Knopf. The researcher examines a sampling of poems to reach the right conclusions. The qualitative approach would be applied in this study and the task would be in determining the first fifteen poems mentioned at the beginning, the fifteen poems placed in the middle, and the last fifteen poems mentioned at the end.