2024 : 12 : 26
Hossein Hasannejad dorabad

Hossein Hasannejad dorabad

Academic rank:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6751-4239
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 30267578200
Address: Arak University


Novel Approach for the Synthesis of Highly Corrosion Resistant and Electrically Conductive Cerium Hexaboride Coating
cerium hexaboride, coating, corrosion, mechanism
Journal Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance
Researchers Hossein Hasannejad dorabad ، Ashkan Nouri ، Seyed Ahmad Lajevardi ، Fatemeh Khademeh Molavi


In the present study, cerium hexaboride (CeB6) coating was applied on pure copper by immersion in the coating solution and then heat treatment at a temperature of 500 C. The coating solution was obtained by combining two solutions of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-boric acid (H3BO3) and cerium nitrate (Ce(NO3)3)- hexamine (C6H12N4) solution. Scanning electron microscope, x-ray diffraction, Fourier-transformed infrared, and thermogravimetric analysis techniques were used for microstructural and chemical composition studies. The results showed the formation of a uniform coating of cerium hexaboride on pure copper. The mechanism of cerium hexaboride coating formation was proposed according to the obtained results. Corrosion tests were performed by dynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance methods. The results revealed that by applying the coating in 3.5 wt.% sodium chloride (NaCl), 1 M nitric acid (HNO3), and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) simulation media, the corrosion rate was reduced by 235, 579, and 138 times, respectively. The results also showed that the electrical resistance of pure copper samples by immersion in corrosive solution increased 567 times while the electrical resistance did not change significantly with the .application of the coating