2024 : 10 : 18
Ali Khadivi

Ali Khadivi

Academic rank: Professor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6354-445X
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 43661256800
Faculty: Agriculture and Environment
Address: Arak University
Phone: 086-32623022


Genetic structure of gall oak (Quercus infectoria) characterized by nuclear and chloroplast SSR markers
Quercus infectoria . Genetic variability . nSSR . cpSSR . Population structure
Journal Tree Genetics & Genomes
Researchers negar mohammad panah ، Naghi Shabanian ، Ali Khadivi ، Mohammad Shafie Rahmani ، arezo emami


Quercus infectoria, commonly known as gall oak, is a small shrub found in Iran. Unfortunately, it is subjected to genetic erosion, and so, its conservation and evaluation are desirable. Thus, in the current research, 16 microsatellite primer pairs (seven nuclear simple sequence repeats (nSSRs) and nine chloroplast simple sequence repeats (cpSSRs)) were used in an attempt to assess the genetic diversity of 121 individuals of Q. infectoria belonging to 11 populations from three provinces in northern Zagros forests of Iran. In total, 69 alleles of nSSR and 18 alleles of cpSSR were detected among the individuals. The results of the overall analysis of molecular variance based on nSSRs indicated that 89.00% of the variation was due to differences within populations and 11.00% occurred among populations, while according to cpSSRs, 94.00% of the variation resided among populations, and only 6.00% could be attributed to variation within populations. A higher genetic differentiation of Q. infectoria populations was found according to cpSSR data in comparison to nSSR data. Cophenetic correlation coefficient values were statistically insignificant between nSSR and cpSSR data. The unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean and Bayesian cluster analyses grouped the studied individuals into two main clusters based on both nSSR and cpSSR data. nSSR data could not completely clustered individuals next each other according to their geographical collection area. Information detailed by nSSR loci revealed that north-Zagros gall oak preserves average levels of genetic diversity at the species level, high level of within-population genetic diversity, and moderate level of genetic variation among populations. The present results provide valuable data for in situ or ex situ conservation and utilization of the studied germplasm.