Abstract Background: Electromagnetic field generator use has significantly expanded recently, particularly in contemporary civilizations. As a result, numerous scientific groups and many nations throughout the world are interested in learning more abouthow electromagnetic waves affect the human body. Method: Nearly all hours of the day and night, a large number of individuals are exposed to the electromagnetic fields of their places of employment and residence at varying intensities and frequencies. As a result, we have attempted to identify and introduce themany forms of electromagnetic fields, their effects on various bodily parts of humans and animals, as well as examine and investigate methods of avoiding them in this research. First, the different forms of electromagnetic waves are categorized in terms of their frequency range and their ionizing and non-ionizing properties are examined. Following an examination of their impacts on various bodily regions, the fundamental guidelines and rules of radiation safety are covered. Results and Coclusion: Nearly everyone in the modern world of today uses technology like mobile phones, electrical devices, etc. and benefits from them. Since they are continually exposed to electromagnetic radiation, their health may be compromised. The damaging effects of these waves on various human and animal body components were examined in this study. The brain, eyes, and hearin are three of the most vital organs. Studies have shown that electromagnetic radiation can seriously harm these components. Mobile phones are the most widely utilized by people of all electromagnetic wave sources.First, the different forms of electromagnetic waves are categorized in terms of their frequency range and their ionizing and non-ionizing properties are examined. Following an examination of their impacts on various bodily regions, the fundamental guidelines and rules of radiation safety are cover